Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Facebook Business

So I have talked about this new group of mommies I have found on Facebook.
They are all trying to market their items to the masses!
We share each other's businesses and get each other fans - and business!

I have found that auctions also get us some fans and some extra money!
People hold auctions once they reach so many fans - and want people to participate in their auctions! You priovide pictures of items, starting bids, bid increments, and shipping.
Once the auction is done you contact the winner and there you have it!

People get introduced to your business and your items!
Nothing like making a little extra cash here and there!


  1. sounds fabulous! whats the link?

  2. What a great idea!! Do you mind passing on the link?

  3. Sounds interesting. We could always use some extra money.


Thank you so much for your comment! I really apprciate that you took a look and left some love!