I have been learning to simplify my life to help combat my anxiety.
There has been lots of research on minimalists and such to do this. My life is busy and it isn't going to slow down or change anytime soon. I am okay with busy, as long as I can cope normally (definition of normal changes EVERY DAY).
I have found that breaking things up works best for me. Maybe I have ADD and I just have an issue with sitting through an entire project from start to end. I have to start and stop and then pick it back up again. I know this annoys my husband, but I have just found ways to do it without him really noticing.
Get up - Make Bed
Make coffee and breakfast for Nick while he showers
Fluff laundry and start a new load of wash
Un-Load and load the dishwasher
Change into running gear
Run with Petra
Drink one big glass of water and turn on Dr. Drew on HLN
Fold laundry that was fluffed
Pour a cup of coffee to enjoy
Computer if time permits (not always)
Wake up Ryley
Take shower and get Abby showered
Get the team dressed and get out the door by 6:40
Start Dinner
Pick up the morning's mess
Talk with kids and relax while dinner cooks
Dinner on the table - TV OFF!
Abby clears table
Ryley cleans toys out of living room
Bath time for Ryley - Abby's time with Daddy
I put away clothes that were folded and left on the bed this morning
Nick plays with kids while I read
Ryley bed time
I sit with Abby
Nick gets ready for work
I craft now or after Nick goes to bed - just depends
Abby gets TV - we set sleep timer for an hour
(She comes in and gives us kisses at 9 and puts herself to bed. She no longer fights us at night because she feels like a big girl)
*If I don't craft Nick and I talk and watch TV together - sleep by 9
*If I do craft I talk to Nick for a bit, give him kisses and go to my craft cave - sleep by 9:30 ish
Saturday and Sunday
Crafting when I get up before the kids and before my runs
We don't run till 6 or 7 on weekends
Clean Floors
Random things that didn't get done during the week
It works for me
I piece myself through the day
What do you do to get your things done???
Wait until you hear about my eBay events that have helped me to start clearing the last of the debts!!!